Mental Health and Breaking Chains of Depression - A Kingdom Solution


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Mental Health and Breaking Chains of Depression - A Kingdom Solution

About Course

Do you or someone you love struggle with depression or mental health challenges? There is hope!

"Mental Health and Breaking Chains of Depression - A Kingdom Solution" offers a unique and powerful approach to overcoming depression, rooted in the transforming power of God's love and grace.

This course will help you:

  • Understand the Spiritual Roots of Mental Health: Explore the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit, gaining a deeper understanding of the spiritual roots of mental health and the power of God for healing.
  • Break Free from Negative Thought Patterns: Discover practical strategies for overcoming negative thought patterns, resisting the enemy's attacks, and reclaiming your mental and emotional well-being.
  • Experience God's Restoring Power: Embrace the transformative power of God's love and grace as you journey toward lasting healing and freedom from depression.
  • Discover Hope and Strength in God's Word: Gain a renewed sense of hope and strength from God's Word, experiencing the peace and comfort that comes from His presence.

This course is for you if:

  • You or someone you love is struggling with depression or mental health challenges.
  • You're seeking a deeper understanding of the spiritual roots of mental health.
  • You're ready to experience the transforming power of God's love and grace.
  • You're looking for hope, healing, and freedom from depression.

Don't let depression define you.

Enroll in "Mental Health and Breaking Chains of Depression - A Kingdom Solution" today!

By taking this course, you'll discover the powerful truth that healing and freedom from depression are possible through God's love and grace.

Course content

videoMental Health and Breaking Chains of Depression2 h 49 m 11 s Start
Rev Adebayo Oniwinde

Rev Adebayo Oniwinde


Course Instructor

Rev. Bayo Oniwinde: Rev. Adebayo Oniwinde's Ministry has spanned more than two and a half decades, in which he has been privileged to serve as Pastor in a great church movement – Christ Chapel International Churches – under the leadership of Rev. (Dr.) Tunde Joda. Noted for teaching the Word, Rev. Bayo believes that the Body of Christ has yet to witness the finest hour with a mighty demonstration of God's supernatural hand! In 2001 at the leading of the Lord, Rev. Bayo launched into a world outreach ministry, Feed My Sheep World Outreach Ministries, of which he is the President. It has taken him to several Nations including: Russia, India, Germany, South Africa, Ghana, Guyana, Spain, Norway, Latvia, and Estonia.


Rev. Bayo has had some major supernatural encounters with the Holy Spirit, in which he was shown certain things about these last days apart from moving in the gifts of the spirit. He has three books: It Is Written, Believer Your Case in Life is Different, and What You Say Will Make Your Day!


Rev. Bayo has been a Partner of the Kingdom Chamber of Commerce since 2013.