Supernatural Business Marketing Toolkit

Duration 6 h 47 m 52 s


$ 99.99 $ 129.99 Buy now
Supernatural Business Marketing Toolkit

About Course

Tired of traditional marketing tactics that just don't seem to work? Ready to experience the explosive power of God's blessings in your business?

The "Supernatural Business Marketing Toolkit" is your guide to unlocking a new level of growth and success in your business.

This 3-day online workshop will teach you:

  • Embrace the Prophetic Power of Marketing: Discover how to align your marketing strategies with God's will, unlocking a new level of influence and impact.
  • Unleash Divine Inspiration: Learn to integrate prophetic insights and divine strategies into your marketing plan, attracting your ideal audience and building a business that honors God's purpose.
  • Breakthrough Marketing Strategies: Go beyond conventional tactics and tap into the power of the supernatural, experiencing breakthrough results that exceed your expectations.
  • Target Your Audience with Divine Precision: Gain the wisdom and tools to pinpoint your ideal customers, connect with them on a deeper level, and build lasting relationships.
  • Experience Supernatural Growth: Witness the power of God's blessings at work in your business, experiencing exponential growth and financial success that surpasses your wildest dreams.

This workshop is for you if:

  • You're a Christian entrepreneur ready to take your marketing to the next level.
  • You're seeking to align your business with God's purpose and experience His blessings.
  • You're ready to unleash the power of prophetic marketing and witness the supernatural transformation of your business.

Don't wait to experience the explosive power of God's blessings in your business.

Enroll in the "Supernatural Business Marketing Toolkit" today and unlock a new level of success!

By taking this workshop, you'll gain the knowledge, strategies, and inspiration to experience a supernatural breakthrough in your business, attracting customers, growing your business, and building a lasting legacy that honors God.


Course content

videoDay 1 - Identifying and Attracting Your Ideal Target Market2 h 31 m 40 s Start
videoDay 1 Homework Start
videoDay 2 - Attract Your Perfect Audience1 h 43 m 47 s Start
videoDay 2 Homework and Worksheets Start
videoDay 3 - Positioning Your Platform for Growth and Influence2 h 32 m 25 s Start
videoDay 3 Homework and Worksheets Start
Blamah Sarnor

Blamah Sarnor

CEO and Digital Strategist

Course Instructor

Blamah is passionate about unleashing the untapped potential of companies, organizations, and communities through inspired ideation by helping them adapt to the digital age while cultivating a future-proof ecosystem of people, products and processes.